28 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss? 180. But I ate Chick-Fil-A and Taco Bell that day so I’m sure I lost five pounds by morning, right?
Maternity clothes? Yes, and we just went to the outlet malls yesterday so I picked up some winter sweaters at Gap and Destination Maternity! PLUS some nursing/maternity tank tops and basic tees that will be perfect for layering and once baby arrives.
Stretch marks? Still none!
Sleep? Pretty good, although I’m afraid third trimester exhaustion is already setting in.
Best moment this week: I met Rebecca Minkoff (eek!) and asked her for her advice on going from one child to two. Her response was equal parts terrifying and touching. She said it means you no longer have a break, and there’s just a smidge less time for yourself, but that it’s completely worth it. Yay? 🙂 Just kidding, she was extremely gracious and said even though she never sleeps she wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Movement? I still feel like this little one is much more active than Cora was. She is almost constantly shaking and a moving in there.
Food cravings? Here recently I’ve really been wanting to go to a good steakhouse. A nice filet mignon just sounds diviiiiiiine.
Gender? GIRL! 

Labor Signs? Nada, although I’ve started having some sharp pains if I bend over or stretch too far. It’s like my abs are saying, “Nooooo, we’re not really up for that anymore!!” Awesome.
Belly Button in or out? Innie, but stretch to the max. And I’ve noticed it making its appearance in tight-fitting shirts from time to time.
Wedding rings on or off? On, no issues there.
What I miss? I’ve been itching to try a barre class, but I’m not sure if it’s something I should start towards the end of a pregnancy. I found a studio nearby though, and I can’t wait to start once baby is here!
What I am looking forward to? We finally decided this week that we’ll be heading to Indiana for Christmas this year, so I’m getting excited for all the things I know my mom will have planned for us while we’re there. And the majority of my siblings haven’t really seen me pregnant in person this go around, so it will be fun to give them a two week dose of preggo Aquila. I’m sure they’re pumped as well. And although I’m NOT looking forward to the cold, I know Cora is going to LOVE snow and her Aunts and Uncles will love taking her out in it! I’ll tend to the fire while they’re out. 😉
Weekly Wisdom? Since Orlando’s been in town for a few weeks now, I thought it would be fun to let him do the weekly wisdom for the men out there this time. Here’s what he said: “Don’t overdress beyond what she is doing. It’s better to dress down and be comfortable with her. Always give her compliments. Let her know how you feel. Help her in any way possible.” So NOT what I expected him to say, but that’s marriage. 🙂
Milestones? We FINALLY got our double stroller solution in the mail! Since we had an Orbit for Cora, we just bought the skateboard extension so that now Cora can jump on that and the new little one can ride in the actual stroller. Confused? Check out the pic below. Now we are READY for the rollercoaster that is two kids. Or at least that’s what we’re telling ourselves.