Healthy kids are our future. But, they can’t be healthy and happy if they don’t have the proper care. There’s a lot of things you may not know about kids and their mental as well as physical health.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Here Are 10 Essential Facts That Will Change Your Kids and Your Life For The Better.

1. Staying Active

Kids need to be physically and emotionally active in order to stay healthy. They can’t sit still all the time; evidence based practice encourages your child to play outside more often or find a sport they like playing with their friends.

2. The Dangers Of Social Media

Social media is not always bad for children, but there’s an important thing that you must know about it before allowing them to use Facebook or Instagram. 

Social platforms such as these are filled with pressure from other people who might encourage your kid into doing harmful things just for attention.

So be sure your kid understands what kind of influence they have on others by taking extra precautions when letting them use social networks.

3. Be Their Voice

Bullying at school isn’t just a normal thing that occurs between students; it’s something more serious than just name-calling and teasing. 

Your child might perhaps be the victim of bullying at school or outside in public places such as parks or supermarkets. If you believe your kid is being bullied by someone else, make sure to teach them how to stand up for themselves and never engage in violent behavior.

4. Be Their Guide and Light

Kids can’t always deal with their problems on their own; they need support from parents, teachers and the role of [evidence based practice] in nursing who will guide them through tough times until they overcome those difficulties. 

There are many things kids go through during childhood that may cause anxiety, such as divorce (parents getting separated), living away from home (new house, new neighborhood), etc., but you must be there for your kids when they need you most.

5. Raise Ladies and Gentlemen

Make sure to teach your children about kindness and compassion. It’s a great quality that will help them in their adult life, but also helping others is very important too because it makes people feel less lonely and isolated from society. Showing empathy towards other people always comes with good rewards, even if they don’t know who helped them or why. 

For example, knowing someone cared enough to give up some of his time just because they wanted to do something nice is already rewarding for both parties involved.

6. Allow Them To Show Emotion

Be open-minded around kids at all times. Letting your child express themselves freely without judging what they say can improve self-esteem drastically, which means more confidence and better mental health in general. 

Be sure to pay attention to what your child says and how they feel without making them feel bad about it.

7. Set an Example

Make the world a better place with kids! Children are like sponges; they absorb everything you teach them with joy and excitement (when done in an appropriate manner). 

Teaching children at early ages how important it is for everyone living on Earth to share resources, love each other regardless of race or religion, etc., will help future generations grow up into adults that care about the planet more than people do right now.

8. Pay Attention To Them

Understand that when your kid starts acting differently from one day to another, there might be something challenging going on inside their head. 

Of course, this doesn’t mean you should immediately assume your child is diagnosed with a mental disorder, but if you have any kind of suspicion – talk to them and ask what’s going on.

9. Teach Them To Dream and How To Follow It

Allow children to be who they want to be! If it takes your daughter or son a few years before they find out their passion in life or where they want to go after high school, don’t force them into making quick decisions about something so important as choosing the path for their future! 

Let them explore new things without limiting their options by being too protective over them; this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t provide help or guidance when needed.

10. Educate Yourself as a Parent 

Please educate yourself on how children develop throughout all stages of their childhood. This way, you’ll know when there’s no need to worry; for example, if your kid seems to be on the right track at school and they are making friends without any problems, there is most likely no need to worry about mental health.


Maybe some days are easier than others. Just remember that all of this will get much easier over time with practice – don’t give up now! Sometimes adults and even children have bad days where nothing goes quite right, but that doesn’t mean the bad will happen everyday.

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