The topic of gum recession and gum grafts is not one I initially thought I would ever discuss on my blog, but my experience with Oak Hills Periodontics was so amazing, I simply had to share. This whole story begins MONTHS prior to my November surgery, however, when I went to see my regular dentist. I’ve experienced some postpartum shifting in my teeth, and there’s a particular spot along my lower gum line that was starting to recede and bother me. When I mentioned it to my dentist, they felt I would need to speak with a periodontist. Lo and behold, I remembered my friend Dani was working with a periodontist, and called to see if we could set up an appointment.

Here’s where it got really cool: y’all know I’m crazy busy, as we all are, and I don’t have a ton of time to sit in a doctor’s waiting office. Dani told me Dr. Pamela Ray of Oak Hills Periodontics had just started doing virtual consultations. As in, I just go to her website, drop in a couple pictures of my areas of concern, and she could get back to me with a video consultation. SIGN ME UP. Now that I’m fully recovered, I wanted to share the 5 main things I learned from this entire experience.

1. Virtual consultations are the BEST invention ever.

Above is a screenshot of my virtual consultation with Dr. Ray. As you can see, I sent over two shots of my trouble spot, one from far away to show my bite, and the other up close. Dr. Ray was then able to record a screen grab of her initial thoughts, give me a recommendation on treatment, and explain the next steps in greater detail. Once we knew she could help, we set up an appointment to discuss further and have a mold made of my teeth for after the surgery. My very next appointment was for the actual surgery! Fast, efficient, and I barely spent even a moment in the waiting room throughout my entire experience. I could also see the virtual consultations being helpful if you live outside of San Antonio, but would be willing to come to see Dr. Ray if she’s the best at what she does. Which, she is. 🙂 More and more I think the health industry is trying to make it easier for the patient to come to them, so it’s amazing to see how pioneers like Dr. Ray are utilizing the technology already.

Oak Hills Periodontics

2. Sometimes the problem you think you have isn’t the real issue.

During my first in-person meeting with Dr. Ray, she was able to get a better look at my entire bite and dental history. From that, she could definitively confirm that the initial spot I was concerned about was actually minimal compared to the gum recession I was experiencing back towards my molars. Due to my bite, grinding, stress, and a whole host of other technical terms, Dr. Ray explained that she would prefer I have gum graft surgery to correct those areas, and THEN undergo orthodontics to correct the spacing in my front teeth. She explained (very succinctly and compassionately, I might add) that it’s like a dance between periodontal work and orthodontics. If your teams aren’t in communication it’s tougher to achieve your goals. But if they are, then each procedure takes place with the overall goals in mind!

The awesome staff at Oak Hills also took the time to show me how my flossing and brushing habits could be affecting my gums, and making sure I correct those issues to prevent further damage. Every single team member from the front desk to the dental assistants were kind, friendly, and extremely well-versed in their craft. They heard my concerns and answered every question, making me feel like I was their only patient that day!

3. Ask for help and trust your recovery protocol.

On the day of my actual surgery, the plan was to take a small sliver of tissue from either side of my palate, then use that tissue to build up my gum line near my lower molars. The area then had to be packed, sutured, and I was also given a wound protector (essentially a plastic retainer shaped from the mold they took at my first appointment) to keep the roof of my mouth safe. Dani actually took video of the entire procedure, but at the risk of ruining someone’s lunch I won’t share those here. You can, however, follow Oak Hills on Instagram if you love the nitty gritty of oral surgery.

I don’t like having to ask for help, but I was blessed that my mom was willing to fly into town and take care of myself and the girls while I was recovering. She kept me on track with my medication, remembered everything the staff told her, and just in general was a super woman. Orlando being in the midst of his basketball season was not the ideal time for me to have surgery, but in those types of situations I think everyone wants their mom close by regardless if you’re 3 or 31! Every part of my post-op plan was there for a reason, so I was so glad my mom was there to keep me in line.

4. Not talking for 48 hours is actual heaven.

So when it came to post-surgery, I was also instructed to limit speaking to ZERO if possible for 48 hours. With a business to run and two kids to corral, I thought for sure there was no way I was going to be able to do this. Shockingly, though, it was not only feasible, it was enjoyable! I didn’t realize how much Cora could read until I had to write her notes on my phone to communicate. And I’m pretty sure my mom secretly loved being completely in charge of the girls with me basically nonexistent under pain medications and strict no-speaking instructions.

She and I enjoyed spending time together on the couch, with me watching Netflix and her catching up on reading. Turns out you don’t have to speak to enjoy being with someone. And it truly made a huge difference in my recovery. I can’t imagine if she hadn’t been here and I would have been forced to start talking to the girls or others much faster. My sutures, and overall healing success would have been at risk, so if you’re considering gum graft surgery be sure to clear your schedule for those next two days! Now enjoy below a picture of me starting to feel goooooood before surgery. Ha!

5. Let the experts do what they do best!

One of the coolest parts of my surgery was Dr. Ray’s use of PRF (read all about that on Wikipedia) or Platelet Rich Fibrin. Essentially, it’s the next generation of PRP, where your own blood is drawn prior to surgery, centrifuged, and then injected at the surgery site to speed tissue healing. It’s SUPER technical, but I was absolutely shocked at the recovery time utilizing this technique. So much so, in fact, that I kept thinking surely this was too good to be true and my grafts had actually come out. That’s how little they were bothering me!

But on my follow-up appointment with Dr. Ray she noticed just a smidge of inflammation, but otherwise said my gums looked perfect! Now the next step will be orthodontics, which I’m not particularly looking forward to, but you can bet I’ll be taking you all along for that ride as well!

I can’t say enough about Oak Hills Periodontics and Dr. Ray. I don’t have a dentist phobia, but if I did I would still feel comfortable in their care. They gave me the good pain meds, of course, but they also made me feel secure in every decision along the way and like my questions and concerns were valid. Even when I was worried if everything was progressing right (because it just felt too easy lol), they were perfectly fine with me texting them a photo of my sutures and immediately texting back, “You’re fine! Stop worrying!” Ha!

Thank you to everyone at Oak Hills for making my surgery virtually painless and completely hiccup-free. I’m so grateful we caught this issue early on, that Dani connected me to Dr. Ray, and that I now have a plan moving forward for my dental health. Aren’t you excited to see me with a metal mouth?! I thought so. 🙂



P.S. This post was sponsored by Oak Hills Periodontics. Don’t worry though, all opinions are my own.

Dr. Pamela Ray