People say that their homes are their sanctuaries, and this is how it should be. You need to have a safe space to go home to at night, or to work in during the day. You need to have a safe space to raise your family or enjoy your time by yourself. This is why it is so important to make your home more secure in simple but effective ways. The biggest benefit being: you can now concentrate on enjoying your home and the life you make within it, and not have to be concerned about its safety and security aspects. Luckily, there are some simple ways to make your home secure. Read on to find out what some of them are. 

home more secure

Photo Credit: Josh Huskin


Secure The Windows 

Your windows are the main entry point – after unlocked doors, that is – for burglars. This is because many of them are not as secure as you might initially think. Firstly, whenever you go to bed or when you leave the house, have a quick check round to ensure the windows aren’t just closed, but locked too. 


If the lock secured to your window seems lacking in strength, it’s wise to upgrade to something stronger. A window is only as secure as its lock, after all. To help matters even further, you can add a thin sheet of adhesive to the inside of the glass. If someone tries to break the glass, the task will be a much harder one, and they should give up quite quickly rather than run the risk of being seen. 



Bright outdoor lighting can be an excellent deterrent when it comes to burglars who might be interested in breaking into your home. If your yard and the front of your house are protected by motion sensor lighting, anyone trying to sneak into your home will find they are lit up by the lights, and any element of surprise or quiet they might have been trying to achieve will be ruined. 


As well as motion sensor lights have pretty ornamental lights, that mean you can walk from your car to your door in safety at any time of the day or night. 


Security System 

A great overall measure to protect your home is to install a security system. This might include alarms, sensors, panic buttons, and CCTV installation, for example. You can even link these systems to the local police so that, should something untoward happen, you can get help much more quickly. 


Not only will this kind of system help you if someone does break-in, but it might even deter criminals before your home is targeted at all. If they see that you have cameras and alarms, and that you have lighting and protective screens on your windows, they are much more likely to go and find a property without these security measures and break in there. It’s easier, and there is less chance of getting caught. Simply by having these security measures in place, you can be protecting your home, your family, and yourself.