For most women, there is one spot on their bodies that simply never responds to diet or exercise. It may happen after having babies, as we age, or just because the universe likes to keep us on our toes. But however it crops up, it can start to be the only thing we see in the mirror. Bio2 Skin Studio at La Cantera recently invited me to try their new Viora Reaction machine that promises to deliver serious results for these problem areas.

According to Viora’s website, the Body Contouring treatments “involve Reaction’s cutting edge CORE technology and applies an advanced combination of radiofrequency and vacuum therapy to offer the most effective body and facial treatments on the market. Now that your treatment specialist can control penetration depth, target different tissues for various treatments, and attain efficacy temperatures faster, your treatment sessions become shorter.”

The Reaction machine is FDA cleared for temporary reduction in the appearance of cellulite, relief of minor muscle spasm, and temporary improvement of local blood circulation. After seeing others’ results and hearing rave reviews, I decided to try the Body Contouring treatments on my hips, my nagging area of self-consciousness. As I told the Bio2 staff, I love my curves and don’t ever expect to have the body of a stick-thin model. But I do want my hips to be smooth, more Sofia Vergara than saddlebag. Don’t we all?

It’s difficult to explain what the actual procedure feels like, but it’s similar to a microdermabrasion suction if you’ve ever experienced that. There’s also a heat component, but no more intense than the heated seats in your car. The gentle suction last for a few seconds before moving on to the next section. How long each treatment lasts depends on what area you’re targeting, but for my hips it was about 30-40 minutes per side. I was simply lying on a table relaxing; it honestly was a spa-like experience!

Now for the results! I completed four total treatments, and three before my trip to Vegas. I lost a couple inches off both hips, but more than that I realized my dresses, shorts, and Vegas outfits fit better and my hips looked smoother overall. I only had minor bruising after one treatment, and no other side effects whatsoever. The amazing part is with proper diet and exercise the results can last indefinitely!


BELOW ARE ACTUAL RESULTS, BUT NOT MY OWN. I didn’t want to subject you all to pictures of my badonkadonk. 🙂

Crystal and her team at Bio2 have created a comfortable, warm environment with zero pressure to undergo any procedure you’re not 100% sure about. I loved my results, and felt relaxed and confident walking out after every appointment! If you’ve been searching for a non-surgical option for targeting those trouble spots, the Body Contouring treatments can work for legs, arms, stomach, even your face! It’s certainly not a magic bullet, and it’s always best to love yourself as you are, but it can give you a boost where you want it most. Give it a try, and tell them Haute in Texas sent you!



P.S. I received complimentary services in order to facilitate this review. Don’t worry though, all opinions are my own!
