My Birth Playlist

Of all the differences between Cora’s birth and Issa’s birth, one of the best changes was adding a birth playlist for Issa’s home birth.  I thought it might feel a little forced to have the candles flickering, peaceful music playing, and dim lights,...

My Postpartum Weight Loss Plan

Well, six weeks have officially flown by and I’m finally feeling physically, emotionally, and mentally ready to tackle the long road ahead of losing that baby weight.  I’ve already dropped a good amount just with delivery and breastfeeding, but...

Issa’s Birth Story: Part One

{The last photo of me pregnant, right after our walk trying to send myself into labor on March 14th.  Read on to find out if it worked! 🙂 } Well, it took me over two years to write Cora’s birth story (read that here and here if you haven’t already), so...

She’s Here!

In case you haven’t heard yet, Miss Issa finally made her appearance!  She arrived Sunday, March 15th at 2:49 am.  Her weight and length exceeded her big sister by just a hair in each category, with Issa clocking in at 8 pounds, 15 ounces and 22 1/4 inches...