22 Weeks – Bump Update

22 Weeks Total weight gain/loss? 162, so I either lost 4 pounds in a week, or weighing myself in the mornings is a MUCH better idea. I’m going to go with the latter.   Maternity clothes? Yup, and I noticed a few days ago one of my workout tank tops kept riding...

21 Weeks – Bump Update

21 Weeks Total weight gain/loss? 166.  I may have to stop calculating my exact weight, this is getting depressing.   Maternity clothes? Jeans for sure, otherwise I’m still getting away with mostly normal clothes.  Although, in this outfit that top is actually...

Office Chic in the Texas Heat

Is it weird that one of the main things I love about being a working woman is being able to get dressed every morning? I actually love professional attire and I feel pretty comfortable in a suit or a pencil skirt.  Where that gets a bit challenging is in the Texas...

Cured and A Summer Dress

Happy belated 4th of July y’all! This weekend was the time to celebrate all that makes America great, and I’ve got two specific things I love about the red, white, and blue for you today.  Meat and a summer dress.  Stay with me here.  For my birthday a few...