Feb 15, 2017 | Health & Fitness, Thoughts on Life
I recently picked up a volleyball again and started playing a few nights a week when I can sneak away. It’s a casual adult league in a tiny little gym, but it’s turned out to be the perfect stress reliever. I go, I smack a ball around, I feel better....
Feb 1, 2017 | Fashion & Style, Motherhood, Thoughts on Life
I think every mom has been there. You spend one too many days inside, you watch one too many Netflix episodes in a row, and all of a sudden you’re in a funk. Looking back, you can see how you got there, but in the moment it feels like a fog has suddenly slipped...
Jan 6, 2017 | Family, Thoughts on Life
Dear Hadley, For the longest time, you were just my irritating little sister. Stereotypical middle child, number 4 in our family, you were constantly getting in the way and making sure we saw you doing it. I have no memories of you being tranquil. Only Tasmanian...
Nov 24, 2016 | Family, Thoughts on Life, Travel
This time last year we were spending Thanksgiving in Cancun. I posted that I was feeling just a touch sad to be spending it away from extended family, but we went on to have a wonderful basketball season with Orlando there. This blog and all other facets of my...
Jul 13, 2016 | Marriage, Thoughts on Life, Travel
In just a few hours, I’ll be headed to the airport. I’ll pull up to the arrivals doors, and he’ll be standing there waiting for me. I probably won’t tackle him to the ground, but that’s how my heart will be feeling. The whole jumping into...
Jun 13, 2016 | Thoughts on Life
A year ago for my birthday, I wrote out 28 lessons I had learned in 28 years of life. This year, I told Orlando I don’t feel like I’ve learned 29 new ones, or even 1 big, profound one for that matter. The past 12 months have just felt like a lot of love...