Play the next play.

Play the next play.

I recently picked up a volleyball again and started playing a few nights a week when I can sneak away. It’s a casual adult league in a tiny little gym, but it’s turned out to be the perfect stress reliever. I go, I smack a ball around, I feel better....
Stuck In a Low Light

Stuck In a Low Light

I think every mom has been there. You spend one too many days inside, you watch one too many Netflix episodes in a row, and all of a sudden you’re in a funk. Looking back, you can see how you got there, but in the moment it feels like a fog has suddenly slipped...
Happy Birthday to our Family’s Free Spirit

Happy Birthday to our Family’s Free Spirit

Dear Hadley, For the longest time, you were just my irritating little sister. Stereotypical middle child, number 4 in our family, you were constantly getting in the way and making sure we saw you doing it. I have no memories of you being tranquil. Only Tasmanian...
Thankful, no matter what.

Thankful, no matter what.

This time last year we were spending Thanksgiving in Cancun. I posted that I was feeling just a touch sad to be spending it away from extended family, but we went on to have a wonderful basketball season with Orlando there. This blog and all other facets of my...
He’s home.

He’s home.

In just a few hours, I’ll be headed to the airport. I’ll pull up to the arrivals doors, and he’ll be standing there waiting for me. I probably won’t tackle him to the ground, but that’s how my heart will be feeling. The whole jumping into...
Twenty Nine.

Twenty Nine.

A year ago for my birthday, I wrote out 28 lessons I had learned in 28 years of life. This year, I told Orlando I don’t feel like I’ve learned 29 new ones, or even 1 big, profound one for that matter. The past 12 months have just felt like a lot of love...