True Beauty: Emily Reynolds of Defining Delicious

Today is a rejuvenation of our old True Beauty series.  Whereas in the past we’ve featured businesses, nonprofits, and similar organizations, we are somewhat shifting our focus to feature influential women in Texas instead.  We’ll take a peek inside their...

Shopping with Open Arms

Happy Memorial Day! I believe the spirit of this holiday is one that goes far beyond barbeque and the Indy 500.  It’s about the men and women who have served this fine country, and the reasons why it’s worth fighting for.  I don’t think you can fully...

Optimism should always win.

Since being back in the States, I’ve begun working back in our office downtown full time again, which puts me in touch with very interesting people on a day to day basis.  It’s a short walk to the gym or to my car, but I almost always run into a fellow...

Dressing Like a Mom.

I’ve officially been a mom now for 4 months, and I can tell you, it’s not the easiest thing to keep up with your own appearance when you’re wiping someone else’s behind 10-12 times a day.  And as it turns out, I’ve noticed society...

True Beauty: Family Violence Prevention Services

Picture a women’s domestic violence shelter.  What pops into your head?  Do you see a small, dimly lit room with rows of cots?  Or do you see the images we witnessed at Family Violence Prevention Services in San Antonio:  a warm, friendly environment where...