Let’s just consider today’s post one giant Flashback Friday, alright? With Halloween just one day away, we’re taking a little trip down memory lane to remember all the costumes that have gone before.  If you caught this month’s episode of Ask A, you already know what we’re going to be tomorrow, but you may not have seen these photos from the archives.  And by archives, I mean my mom’s scrapbooks. 🙂  I’ve always loved getting dressed up for Halloween, in fact I can’t remember a time when I was “too cool” or “too old” to dress up.  And now that I have the girls, I think it’s even more fun to coordinate with them and pull off a look that is equal parts fun and funny.  Some of these are going WAY back and are borderline humiliating though, so don’t ever say I hold back sharing with you all!


See that creepy tall clown in the WAY back? Yeah, that’s me.  I told you some of these were humiliating.  I don’t know why I picked to be a clown, but I like think Heath Ledger was copying ME when he did the whole red-paint-smeared-mouth for the Joker.  Not sure why I would be proud of that, but the proof is there nonetheless: I was FIRST.


Now fast forward QUITE a few years, to 2011 when I was pregant with Cora.  We were living in Xalapa, Veracruz, so it only made sense that I would be a basketball player like my baby daddy, and said baby would be a basketball, of sorts.  Yes, that is masking tape on my stomach spelling out “Junior”.  I didn’t say my costumes were always well executed, ok?!


Cora’s first Halloween was a big one.  I was a flower and she was a bee.  We rocked this costume in Xalapa, and we rocked it on a trip home to Indiana when this photo was taken.  Because it’s baby’s first Hallween, of COURSE we celebrated it in two different countries.


Why is Cora so unhappy in all of these photos?!  She lasted all of ten minutes in this mummy costume while I was Cleopatra, and the pre-wrap we used to “mummify” her kept unraveling all night.  Again, not the best execution on mom’s part, but she was too young to notice thank goodness!


And finally, last year when Cora actually got to choose what she went for as Halloween.  Superman it was, and with my second bun in the oven I decided to go for a skeleton.  Although in hindsight a pregnant Green Lantern with my bump as the glowing green orb would have been pretty cool.  Missed opportunities, people, they will haunt you forever.

So which one is your favorite? Which one makes you slightly embarrassed to tell people you know me? Let me know in the comments!