How To Help Children Move House 


Moving house is a major event in anyone’s life, but for children, it can be extra worrying. They might be moving away from the only place they have ever called home. They might be concerned about leaving their bedroom, their backyard, or their friends behind. They might simply feel as though they hadn’t been consulted and everything is happening without them – they just have to follow along. 


This is why it’s so important to ensure you know how to help children move house so that everyone can be involved in the process and be excited for the next step rather than stressed out about it. Read on for some useful tips on what you can do to ensure moving is a positive experience for the kids as well as the adults. 

help children move house



Involve Them Early 

One of the biggest issues that children have is that they feel they have no control over the situation – their parents just tell them they are moving, and they have to deal with it. This can be very disconcerting. To make things easier, it’s best to get your children involved right from the start of the process. You’ll still make the ultimate decision, but if they can be there to discuss the reasons for moving, to look at new houses, perhaps even to meet the professional movers from Allied Van Lines before moving day itself so they feel confident their things will be safe, that’s better. 


When you can involve the children early, it won’t come as a big surprise to them when the deal is already done. Plus, they will have much more control of their situation – at least they will feel that way – and you can make the entire process an exciting one, helping them to feel more positive in general. 


Get Them To Declutter 

It’s always a good idea to declutter before you move. If you don’t, you’ll just be taking things you don’t want or need to the new house, where they will be stored away, not being used or even thought about. It’s a waste of time and space. 


Since you’ll need to declutter, it’s a good idea to have your children go through their belongings rather than you doing it. Firstly, they’ll have a better idea of what they want to keep and what they no longer play with or wear, and secondly, it’s another way of giving them some control. Assuming they have seen their new bedroom, you can remind them of the space they’ll have and why it’s important to keep it clean and clear so they have room to play or have their friends over. This should help motivate them. 


Don’t Promise Them New Things

You might think you are being kind and making your child happy if you promise them new bedroom furniture and new décor in their next room. However, this could actually be somewhat counter-productive because the child might actually want their familiar things around them. New furniture could make a difficult situation worse because it’s just too different to how it was. 


Keep the furniture familiar until the child has really settled in, and then, if it’s necessary, offer them new furniture. They might want to take you up on that offer, but don’t force them if they’re not ready.


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