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As many as 20% of the United States’ population live with an inflammatory condition, whether chronically or acutely. That means, statistically, that either a friend of yours, a family member, or you yourself are suffering with one at any given time, and quite possibly all of the above. And while we know a certain amount about inflammatory conditions, their impacts are often waved away as something that just happens. However, a quick look at how inflammatory issues can affect you, and what you can do to prevent them, may help people see that these are problems that don’t need to be lived with.


How do I know if I have an inflammatory condition?

For many people, the first sign of an inflammatory health issue is its effect on the joints. If you regularly feel stiff, experience pain when moving, or simply don’t have the range of movement you’re used to, it could be a result of an inflammatory condition. If these symptoms are accompanied by fatigue, headaches and muscle stiffness, then there’s a decent chance you have an inflammatory condition.


What should I do?

Fortunately, the worst of the problem can often be managed through diet and supplements. Inflammation is usually your body’s way of reacting to the presence of something it struggles to tolerate – which is often a diet containing too many free radicals. Cutting out things that have been fried in oil, as well as baked goods, offers a good start. Including more oily fish, leafy greens and fresh fruit in your diet, and loading up on things like jamu juice to get more ginger and turmeric into your system, will bring results. It is, of course, worth speaking to a doctor before changing your diet drastically, as they can more deeply investigate your specific symptoms.


What are the dangers of not taking action?

A lot of more serious conditions have been attributed to the impacts of inflammation, although admittedly with varying levels of conclusive evidence. There is plenty of reason to suspect that long-term inflammation can increase the risk of some cancers, and it has been speculatively linked to Alzheimer’s disease. One link that seems cut-and-dried is the connection between inflammation and depression; a body that is affected by inflammation will, more than likely, push out proteins known as cytokines. These will make you feel low physically and mentally.


What do I need to tell my doctor?

Absolute honesty about your lifestyle is advisable if you have been experiencing inflammation – it can be affected by overindulgence in the diet and with alcohol, as well as stress relating to your job or anything else. Details about your daily routine and your overall health in general can point a doctor in the correct direction to make a diagnosis and advise you on dietary and other solutions. It’s possible to recover completely from an inflammatory condition, if you remove the causes and adopt the appropriate treatment program. It’s important that in seeking to do so, you engage with the issues in a serious way.

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