33 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss? 188. HOW it is possible that I only gained three pounds over the Christmas break in Indiana is BEYOND me. I was seriously expecting the worst. I’ll be honest though, it is getting harder and harder to post these numbers. It’s really and truly testing my self-confidence.
Maternity clothes? Yup. And I’m pretty much to the point where if I don’t a meeting that day I’m rocking some workout gear. I said I wouldn’t do it this go around, but alas, yoga pants are just so darn comfy.
Stretch marks? Oh, the occasional one here and there, but it isn’t bothering me this go around nearly as much as it did with Cora.
Sleep? As good as can be expected I reckon. Yeah, I just said reckon.
Best moment this week: I tried a prenatal barre class a few days ago at a new spot and oh. my. gosh. It felt so great to just be moving, and I am still sore! Not too mention a good post-workout stretch for a pregnant lady is the closest thing to heaven.
Movement? Plenty, especially at nighttime. I was snuggling with Cora to get her to sleep last night and she was settling down when out of nowhere she goes, “Momma, my baby sister is kicking!” She could feel the squirms just laying close to me, and it was quite possibly the cutest thing in the entire world.
{Sorry for the poor photo quality this week, but this outtake was too hilarious not too included. And yes, she has this much energy ALL THE TIME.}
Food cravings? Nothing really, I pretty much satisfied all of them over Christmas.
Gender? GIRL! 

Labor Signs? No, but I’m still getting random tight feelings in my belly. Perhaps Braxton Hicks, perhaps just a crazy active baby in there.
Belly Button in or out? Outie.
Wedding rings on or off? On. I just noticed the other day my socks caused a little bit of an indent on my feet at the end of the day. May be the beginning of swelling, which I think is about when it started with Cora as well.
What I miss? Planning and coordinating Cora’s party this year has been a bit more exhausting than I remember in past years. I’m loving all of it, but man I am going to need a serious nap after the party is over.
What I am looking forward to? CORA’S PARTY. I can’t wait to share pics with you all. Cora’s talking about it non-stop as well, so I hope it lives up to the hype.
Weekly Wisdom? If you’re struggling with low energy (pregnant or not), I cannot recommend taking B12 supplements enough. My midwife recommended a dissolving tablet from Whole Foods that I’ve been taking once daily and I’ve seen a HUGE difference in my energy levels. Especially while trying to juggle new clients, party planning, and getting back into the swing of things after the holidays, the boost couldn’t have come at a better time.
Milestones? Small, but Cora has a flag banner in her room that spells out her name above her bed. I’ve been searching for a similar one for this baby, and I finally found it! Now if I can get around to ordering it. 🙂