Everyone say hello to our wonderful Haute in Texas intern Rebeca! She’s been helping me for a few weeks now with 101+ projects, and I hope it’s been as much fun for her as it has been for me. When she signed up for this gig, she probably didn’t realize she was getting herself into today’s topic: a guest blog all about multi-masking! This trend is en fuego in the beauty world lately, and she was willing to give it a go just for you! Check out her review below:


I am sure many of you have experienced those crazy weeks where you look at the calendar and realize it is only Tuesday. How are you going to get through the rest of the week?! Well, this week was one of those insane seven days for me, where responsibilities just keep piling up, and my stress level was at an all-time high. Times like this not only affect my mood, my sleep, and my eating habits, but they also affect my skin!

I don’t tend to break out or get dry skin very often, but this week I had both problems. In order to get my mind off things for a bit, I decided to do a little research on the different types of face masks and came across the popular beauty trend called multi-masking. For those who have not heard of the concept yet, it simply involves using multiple masks simultaneously in order to target specific concerns in particular areas of your face.


For me personally, I tend to get excess oil in what people call the T-zone, which is the middle of the forehead, the nose, and the chin. For this area, I decided to use the Mint Julep Masque by Queen Helene, which instantly absorbs excess oil as well as help minimize the appearance of pores. On the other hand, my cheeks seemed a little more dry than usual, which with this cold weather, it seems like a fair assumption to make. Therefore, I decided to use this new mask called Pure Clay Mask by L’oreal Paris.


The clay mask has a powerful blend of 3-clays and charcoal which helps draw out impurities like dirt and pollution, as well as refresh and allow your skin to breathe. Side note: the pure clay mask smells delicious! After this little endeavor, my skin felt soft and fresh. This was such a fun experiment that not only helped my skin, but it gave me that little push I needed to finish the week strong. I am definitely going to be on the lookout for different types of face masks to use in the future and add them to the collection. Since winter is just around the corner, I will be voraciously hunting for more moisturizing face masks, so if you have a favorite, feel free to help a girl out!




P.S. Isn’t she gorgeous?!

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P.P.S. This giveway below has been extended to December 6th, so enter now!



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