{For today’s post, instead of the usual outfit shots, I thought I would show you all inside an appointment with my midwife. I often get asked what it’s like, and I’m sure some are curious to actually SEE this midwife I keep raving about! This is Jennifer, baby whisperer extraordinaire!}
34 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss? 189. If my midwife is reading this she’s going to laugh because this is NOT the number her scale said yesterday at my appointment. But my at-home scale is apparently much kinder, so we’re going to go with that number.
Maternity clothes? Yes. Duh.
Stretch marks? Here, there, no biggie.
Sleep? Here, there, kind of a biggie.
Best moment this week: With Cora’s birthday celebration(s) in the books, it feels like it’s finally time to focus on this baby!
Movement? YUP. Although at my appointment yesterday Jennifer noted I have a lot of fluid in there right now, which could explain why I’ve been feeling so much activity – she’s just got a lot of room to move around in!
Food cravings? Anything and everything, unfortunately.
Gender? GIRL! 

Labor Signs? No, but I’ve started to get a little bit of ligament pain and pelvic discomfort towards the end of long days where I’ve been moving a lot. Feels a little early for that to be starting, but it’s starting nonetheless.
Belly Button in or out? Outie.
Wedding rings on or off? On, just starting to notice minor swelling in my feet this week still.
What I miss? Not feeling gross about myself every time I look in the mirror. Just being honest, y’all.
{Woo double chin! Jennifer and I are listening to the heartbeat, best sound in the entire world. 🙂 }
What I am looking forward to? My midwife gave me the paperwork yesterday to order my birth kit and start thinking about supplies for a home birth and/or water birth. What the what, it’s that time already?!
Weekly Wisdom? After my post on Wednesday (read it here) about struggling with parenting while pregnant, I received so many good nuggets of wisdom from people who’ve been there. Namely this: trust in yourself as a parent, and know that you’re doing the best you can. So much easier said than done, but I’m sure as heck gonna give it a try.
Milestones? I officially have a three-year-old, and the streamers and confetti have been cleaned up, so it is time to focus on preparing for her baby sister for the next few months!
P.S. For more information on my midwife and her practice, you can find the Birth Experience Midwifery Care website here.