Optimism should always win.

Since being back in the States, I’ve begun working back in our office downtown full time again, which puts me in touch with very interesting people on a day to day basis.  It’s a short walk to the gym or to my car, but I almost always run into a fellow...

15 Ways to Raise an Awesome Kid

This is not an article about how I’m raising an awesome kid.  I think Cora’s pretty cool, but I also think it’s only about 10% due to me, and more due to the fact that she just rocks.  Rather, I want to talk about how my parents raised 6 kids and...

You wonder when they lose it…

The first time my Grandma met Cora, she was about 3 months old, still brand-spanking new.  As my Grandma’s weathered hands softly stroked the silkiness of my baby’s hands, she remarked, “Their skin is so soft in the beginning.  You wonder when they...

10 Reasons Why Marriage Is Awesome: A Friendly Reminder

I love the phrase “friendly reminder”.  It’s one of those back-ended things where we truly want to say one thing, but write another.  So instead of, “Hey, get this done before I kick you in the teeth”, it’s, “Hey, just a...

5 Rookie Mistakes That COULD Have Ruined Our Breastfeeding

  I’ve been thinking for quite some time about this post, and whether or not it was appropriate, and/or too personal.  Breastfeeding in the United States is still such a mysterious thing, for better or for worse, thereby making it a somewhat difficult topic...