Happy 4th Birthday Haute in Texas! {Giveaway}

Four years ago today, we officially launched a little blog called Haute in Texas.  We didn’t know where this blog would take us, but we knew we wanted to write and use it as a platform to inspire women.  The craziest thing to me is looking back on who we were...

It Works Review + Giveaway!

{Liz (left) and I in college in our kid-free, much tanner days. 🙂 } My friend Liz was the girl who always knew where the party was at in college.  She was always ready for a good time, and she brought that energy with her wherever she went.  So it was no surprise to...

My Lil Retreat at The Lil Spa Room

Don’t forget today (Wednesday) is the last day to enter the C.I. Castro giveaway for holiday dresses that will get you and your little one in the holiday spirit! And once you’ve entered to win something fun for your little one, check out today’s post...