15 Ways to Raise an Awesome Kid

This is not an article about how I’m raising an awesome kid.  I think Cora’s pretty cool, but I also think it’s only about 10% due to me, and more due to the fact that she just rocks.  Rather, I want to talk about how my parents raised 6 kids and...

You have the key to my heart.

The other day on a walk with Cora, I stumbled upon an area of Xalapa I had never been to before.  We were on our way to the park, and these odd looking tree sculptures were along the bridge near the lake.  Upon closer inspection, I realized they were stuffed full with...

That baby will come back.

I wrote a couple weeks ago that I was going through a trial of some sort, but I wasn’t ready to talk about it.  That trial was a second pregnancy, which unfortunately was not meant to be in the end.  The doctors all say that it didn’t look good from the...

Love, Actually.

I wish this blog post could come with a photo gallery.  I wish I could show you the look on my mother’s face when my sister stepped out in a wedding gown for the first time.  I wish the photographs could convey better than any written word how lovely Kelsey looked,...

She’s my sister. I love my sister.

Raise your hand if you watched Barney as a kid.  Come on, nobody can see, just raise your hand.  That’s what I thought. A lot of you.  We were fairly addicted in our household as well, and one of the episodes we watched over and over again has two of the...