And then there were four.

The other day I was talking to a friend on the phone and she asked me how we’re adjusting to being a family of four.  It’s funny, I replied, it feels like Issa’s always been here, like I can’t imagine our family without her already.  I sort of...

8 Tips for Being a Successful Work from Home Parent

Today’s post is from Michelle Cantu on a topic that is near and dear to my heart.  I love being able to work from home, and her tips for making it work are spot on! Read all about it below: ______________________________________________________ I have spent the...

What Changes When You Parent An Adult

Parenting an adult feels so, so very far away right now, but I love today’s post from Christina Routon of Creative Life Enterprises on her experiences.  Enjoy! ________________________________________ Our son, William, turned 21 in January. This was a big deal...

Mom Lessons: Things I’ve learned since becoming a mom

Today’s post is from the very funny, very talented Amanda Reyna! I’m trying to hold back the postpartum hormonal tears while reading, so I know you’ll love it as well! ________________________________________________ There are so many lessons I’ve...

She’s Here!

In case you haven’t heard yet, Miss Issa finally made her appearance!  She arrived Sunday, March 15th at 2:49 am.  Her weight and length exceeded her big sister by just a hair in each category, with Issa clocking in at 8 pounds, 15 ounces and 22 1/4 inches...