It’s Maynicures Time!

It’s Maynicures Time!

For the third year in a row this May, I’ll have a MAYnicure with one finger a different shade than the rest. Not because I’m trying to be trendy, but because I’m raising awareness for the 1 in 5 children who are affected by mental illness disorders....
A Girls Night with Agave

A Girls Night with Agave

I love my kids with a passion, but I also love a girls night. Especially when it happens to kick off at Agave Apartments in downtown San Antonio. This is the urban, chic life I can totally imagine in an alternate life. Some day it may shock my children to know that...
So we’re getting an Au Pair…

So we’re getting an Au Pair…

This time next week, our family dynamic is going to look very different. It’s been something we’ve thought about and prayed over for a long time, and it took a leap of faith to decide this is what’s best for us. Most of you know that my husband...