If you visited our site on Wednesday, you might have noticed that we were joined in protest with the rest of the internet to fight SOPA and PIPA from succeeding in Congress. thankfully, the protest worked and the bills were both dropped this morning. While I am sure it won’t be the last time we see similar legislation, I am grateful to know that for now, our internet is still very much so free from censorship. At Haute in Texas, we try to shy away from political discussion, as it really rarely crosses paths with fashion and beauty and tends to just make people angry these days, but the internet is our livelihood. We stand against the piracy of copyrighted material that has led to the inflammation of censorship issues, but as our readers know, we often feature photos that we borrow from other sources. While we try and list as much information as possible about where we have found the images, a bill like SOPA or PIPA could dramatically change the way blogging works for many of us.  This is why I felt it was important for us to stand in solidarity with the protests on Wednesday and I greatly appreciate your patience.

This has been a bit of a strange transitional time for A and I, as I told you Monday that she gave birth last Friday, and I had severe food poisoning last week (lost all the holiday weight, though). I am taking over the blog to give A plenty of great mommy and baby time, so we will be temporarily reducing our weekly posts to three a week. Not exactly sure when things will return to our typical 5 days a week, but for now, we appreciate your patience with us!


I hope you all have a great weekend!