Say what you will about his quirks or his issues, Michael Jackson was and always will be a musical genius in my book. I remember listening to the “Free Willy” song and feeling this sense of empowerment, like I could do anything.  Or just that I really, really, wanted to have a pet whale.  I just discovered an amazing duet with the King of Pop and his good friend Akon that brought back all those feel-good moments for me.  It’s called “Hold my Hand”, and the video made me tear up a little.  Take a listen:

So in honor of the late MJ, today’s Under the Influence is a pretty direct interpretation of his iconic style. Luckily for you, cropped pants and penny loafers are in this season, but if you’re not feeling a military style jacket, perhaps a flowy white button-up top could do the trick? If you’re feeling extremely literal, a sequin-encrusted glove may be a necessity. Either way, individualism is key when it comes to channeling Michael, so let loose, have some fun, and grab your crotch just once.

How fantastic is that fedora by the way?