Peachy Keen

Peachy Keen

Do you have that one item in your closet that’s your “if I just lose 5 pounds I’ll wear it” sort of thing?  It’s supposed to be motivation, but it really just ends up kind of depressing you every time you see it and realize you’re...
Viva Fiesta

Viva Fiesta

I’m not usually one for Instagram shopping, but when I saw fellow blogger The Darling Detail wearing this off-the-shoulder top, I couldn’t resist.  Ruffles and bright white linen have pretty much been all over the place this summer, and it’s...
Pink & The Perfect Handbag

Pink & The Perfect Handbag

Everyone once in a while, you stumble across a product that makes you gasp, “Why didn’t I think of that?!” Last year at the Holiday Ole Market, I spied a booth with some ultra chic handbags and decided to take a peek.  The woman who greeted me with...

My Birth Playlist

Of all the differences between Cora’s birth and Issa’s birth, one of the best changes was adding a birth playlist for Issa’s home birth.  I thought it might feel a little forced to have the candles flickering, peaceful music playing, and dim lights,...