Dec 20, 2016 | Events, Giveaways, Marriage
While things can get totally crazy during the holidays, I always enjoy sneaking in a date night or two where Orlando and I can. The lights, the spirit in the air, it just makes it a more romantic time in my opinion! I think I’ve mentioned this before, but we...
Jul 13, 2016 | Marriage, Thoughts on Life, Travel
In just a few hours, I’ll be headed to the airport. I’ll pull up to the arrivals doors, and he’ll be standing there waiting for me. I probably won’t tackle him to the ground, but that’s how my heart will be feeling. The whole jumping into...
May 30, 2016 | Family, Marriage, Thoughts on Life
From the day my parents met, they never spent more than 24 consecutive hours away from each other. Sometimes if my mom was driving home late at night and my dad realized it was getting close to a full day since he’d seen her, he would drive to meet her halfway...
May 4, 2016 | Marriage, San Antonio, Travel
There are plenty of ways to ring in milestone birthdays. You can take a trip, make a big purchase, or throw a huge bash. But when I ask Orlando what he wanted to do for his thirtieth birthday this past weekend, none of that sounded appealing to him. What he really...
Jan 22, 2016 | Fashion & Style, Marriage, Outfit Posts
What to wear for a day date, AKA a parents’ night out. The other day I saw a viral video to the tune of Justin Bieber’s “Sorry” with a “This is 40” theme. The basic premise was that, as parents, we go out early and come home in...