The Agency

We propel and curate our clients’ online and local presence to help them be better every day.

The Blog

Join us in the pursuit of the haute life with musings on our passions: fashion, beauty, motherhood, and San Antonio culture.

20 Tips for Traveling with a Toddler

A very long time ago, in a land where babies didn't crawl or talk, I wrote a post about how to travel with an infant solo.  The infant I was referring to in that article is now a full-blown human being.  She talks, she eats more than just pureed carrots, and she has a...

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Optimism should always win.

Since being back in the States, I've begun working back in our office downtown full time again, which puts me in touch with very interesting people on a day to day basis.  It's a short walk to the gym or to my car, but I almost always run into a fellow young...

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15 Ways to Raise an Awesome Kid

This is not an article about how I'm raising an awesome kid.  I think Cora's pretty cool, but I also think it's only about 10% due to me, and more due to the fact that she just rocks.  Rather, I want to talk about how my parents raised 6 kids and they all turned out...

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Liebster Award Nomination!

Blogging can often feel like shouting in a crowded room, so it's nice sometimes to slow down and connect with other writers.  That's the spirit behind the Liebster Award, or at least it appears to be.  I'm having a hard time tracking down the origins of this award,...

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