The Agency

We propel and curate our clients’ online and local presence to help them be better every day.

The Blog

Join us in the pursuit of the haute life with musings on our passions: fashion, beauty, motherhood, and San Antonio culture.

You have the key to my heart.

The other day on a walk with Cora, I stumbled upon an area of Xalapa I had never been to before.  We were on our way to the park, and these odd looking tree sculptures were along the bridge near the lake.  Upon closer inspection, I realized they were stuffed full with...

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Paty’s Perfect Stuffed Mushrooms

I've been fortunate enough in Mexico to have several girls step up and be my guides, my friends, my translators in this new culture.  One of those friends is Paty, who is literally Mexico's version of Hostess with the Mostess.  She owns a catering business, she plans...

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That baby will come back.

I wrote a couple weeks ago that I was going through a trial of some sort, but I wasn't ready to talk about it.  That trial was a second pregnancy, which unfortunately was not meant to be in the end.  The doctors all say that it didn't look good from the beginning, and...

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Love, Actually.

I wish this blog post could come with a photo gallery.  I wish I could show you the look on my mother’s face when my sister stepped out in a wedding gown for the first time.  I wish the photographs could convey better than any written word how lovely Kelsey looked,...

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To my little one on her 2nd birthday, Ah my sweet Corabelle, do you know how much I love you?  Do you know how often I think about you during the day, or lay awake at night wondering if I'm doing it all right?  Can you grasp how many times you've given me a hug, or a...

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An open letter to my Mexican neighbor.

Dear neighbor, Since my husband, daughter and I have been living in Mexico, I've seen you here and there, only in passing.  I know you're a student at the local University, and it has always seemed as though you and your roommate have kind spirits and good heads on...

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She’s my sister. I love my sister.

Raise your hand if you watched Barney as a kid.  Come on, nobody can see, just raise your hand.  That's what I thought. A lot of you.  We were fairly addicted in our household as well, and one of the episodes we watched over and over again has two of the characters...

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My feminist side.

I've always had a little feminist in me. I think when you grow up with a mother who is 6'3" and acts like it, you generally believe you can do anything you set your mind to, woman or not. My mom spoke her mind, held her head high, and wasn't afraid to conquer any...

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You know you’re a mom when…

In the past few months, I feel like I've reached a new level in settling in to this mom thing. The first year or so for any new parent is, at least in my experience, kind of spent looking around with a wide-eyed, terrified look, wondering if your life is ever going to...

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Photo Tour of our Dining Room Makeover

When I was younger, I always made fun of the kind of women who have towels you can't touch, couches you can't sit on, and rooms you're not allowed to walk in. Then I got a husband and a kid and I TOTALLY GET IT. You just want one thing to look like you've got it...

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