Issa: Two Months

Dear Issa, Today you are two months old! You’re already quite a bit chunkier than you were when these photos were taken a few weeks ago, and I’d guess you probably weigh close to thirteen pounds now.   We’ll find out for sure when we take you to your...

5 Things You Need for Baby #2

Everyone tells you that with your second baby, you’ll just walk out the door with one diaper and a handful of wipes and call it a day.  Gone is the well-stashed diaper bag, gone are the unnecessary trinkets that just weigh you down with your firstborn.  I...

Issa: One Month

Dear Issa, Today you are one month old! I tried to get a cute picture of you smiling for this post, but you are just the sleepiest little thing! You’ve made this first month fly by because you’re the calmest, easiest baby ever.  I can’t believe I was...

She’s Here!

In case you haven’t heard yet, Miss Issa finally made her appearance!  She arrived Sunday, March 15th at 2:49 am.  Her weight and length exceeded her big sister by just a hair in each category, with Issa clocking in at 8 pounds, 15 ounces and 22 1/4 inches...

Before Baby Number Two: A Letter to My First Born

  Dear Cora, At some point in the next few weeks, a really humongous change is going to take place in our family.  I know we’ve been talking about it for awhile now, and you seem to be pretty excited about baby sister’s arrival.  But I know it’s...