Last week if you were tuned in to social media, you probably saw that we took the girls to SeaWorld here in San Antonio for a day of fun. Yes, my friends, we braved summer temperatures in South Texas to go outside. The amazing team at SeaWorld invited our family to...
Haute Travels: Nova Scotia

Haute Travels: Nova Scotia

Where on earth is Nova Scotia? That was pretty much the universal response we received when we told folks we were going to the Eastern coast of Canada for our family’s biannual vacation. My parents started this tradition and decided each member of the family...
Druze in the Wild

Druze in the Wild

While traveling in Israel this past year, I sort of stumbled across an amazing opportunity: writing for the Jewish National Fund, who publishes articles surrounding the culture in Israel across the globe. I served as a foreign correspondent of sorts: meeting...
That Bathtime Bliss

That Bathtime Bliss

  It happens at the end of every day. My head is throbbing, the girls are fighting, and all is about to descend into mayhem before I yell that magical word: BATHTIME! Into the tub they go, the tears are instantly wiped away, and mama gets a breather as bedtime...