Jun 26, 2020 | Beauty, Health & Fitness, San Antonio
It’s been just over a year, and I am FINALLY done with braces! I can’t believe the whole process was simultaneously over so quickly and yet I have a hard time remembering life before braces. The evening before my debond appointment, I kept thinking how...
Feb 20, 2020 | Beauty, Family, Health & Fitness, San Antonio
Orthodontics in general are intimidating for some, but perhaps even more so people want to know what to expect at the appointments. Will they take a ton of time? Will they be painful? Today on the Haute in Texas YouTube, I’m taking you through my most recent...
Dec 4, 2019 | Beauty, Health & Fitness, San Antonio
As the year winds down, many of us begin to contemplate our 2020 goals, wondering how we can get there and who we want to become. As I headed into 2019 this time last year, I had just had gum surgery and knew orthodontics were something I needed to have done. A year...
Oct 22, 2019 | Beauty, Marriage, San Antonio, Skincare
I think the majority of folks who know my husband Orlando, are pretty aware that he’s a confident guy. He is often the best in the room at sports, style, and a whole host of other skills. When we met, in fact, he was far more adventurous in the fashion...
Oct 9, 2019 | Beauty, Fashion & Style, San Antonio
A couple months ago Dr. Hembree at Ferris Orthodontics started me on rubber bands to compliment my progress with adult braces. This new layer of responsibility has meant toting around little bags of spare orthodontic bands and a handy little tool for applying them to...
Sep 5, 2019 | Beauty, Health & Fitness, San Antonio
One of the things I was most worried about with getting adult braces with Ferris Orthodontics is the timing. I am constantly meeting new people for business, speaking in front of others for various engagements, and just with life in general there’s never going...