Sep 14, 2022 | Family, Motherhood
Over 80% of children between 13 and 15 play long hours. But pre-teen gaming is also popular. Here’s how to make a better video game environment for your child. Buy Comfortable Furniture Most children will happily spend an entire day and night playing a video...
Aug 15, 2022 | Family, Motherhood
It is important to try to take steps as a parent that are going to help you improve your life, and this is something that plays a big role in this process. You need to think about what you can do to make better decisions for your kids, and this means you have to work...
Aug 5, 2022 | Family, Motherhood
Reading is one of the most important skills a child can learn. Reading helps children gain knowledge, develop critical thinking skills, and become interested in learning more. But reading can be challenging for kids with trouble concentrating or decoding words. To...
Jun 15, 2022 | Blogging, Motherhood
You’ve no doubt read the books and heard friends, family, and colleagues all talk about how motherhood has changed them. It is probably something that you never thought would happen to you. How could something as commonplace as becoming a mum change who you are as a...
Jun 1, 2022 | Family, Motherhood
Image Source When you have children, you take on a lot of responsibility when it comes to their well being and providing for their future. It’s up to you to give them their own opportunities in whatever field they want to step into when they reach adulthood. Of...
Apr 19, 2022 | Family, Motherhood
Image from Pixabay – CC0 License Moving from one home to another in the same city usually isn’t a big deal. It probably means you’ll keep all of your friends close and still be close to important locations like your workplace or your...