How To Have Mature Conversations About Your Plans For Children

How To Have Mature Conversations About Your Plans For Children

Pexels – CC0 License   Building a family is a joyous event for most families, but of course, not everything goes to plan as smoothly as you might consider. In some cases, the limit can be set from the beginning. For example, a wonderful couple of two gay...
Simplify Meal Times with These 10 Expert Strategies

Simplify Meal Times with These 10 Expert Strategies

Meal times can be a source of stress for many families, especially for those with busy schedules and little time to plan and prepare meals. But with some smart strategies, you can make meal times a breeze. Here are ten expert tips for simplifying meal times. Image by...

The Life of the Party

[Me(Left), Carolena(Right)] Dear HIT Readers: The following is a poignant and heartfelt blog post written by our HITster, Account Assistant Sarah Larkin. We hope you’ll feel the tender heart behind her words, and we applaud her for being so vulnerable in her...
Considering The Future As A Parent

Considering The Future As A Parent

When you have a family, nothing is more important than your future. There are many things that you need to think about and have a plan for. From a rainy day fund for those ‘just in case moments’ to planning a family holiday fund, there are ways that you can plan for...