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We propel and curate our clients’ online and local presence to help them be better every day.

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Join us in the pursuit of the haute life with musings on our passions: fashion, beauty, motherhood, and San Antonio culture.

Looking After the Kids On a Business Trip

Looking After the Kids On a Business Trip

                                        Woman hugging kids while using laptop - Image Courtesy of Pexels Taking your kids on a business trip is never ideal. But it is sometimes necessary. Fortunately, you can make the process easier with some forward planning and...

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Benefits of Regular Exercise

Benefits of Regular Exercise

Sometimes you want to feel better and have more energy and know you are adding years to your life. One of the best ways that you can do that is with regular exercise. It sounds so simple but it’s one of the most important things that you can do for yourself and your...

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Like what you see? We can help your business stand out online and in-person, too. Haute in Texas Public Relations serves clients with social media marketing, media relations, and community programming expertise. Shoot us a message via our contact page below and let’s chat! You bring the coffee, we’ll bring the ideas.